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Enugu is not land locked! Says Peter Mbah

Barr. Peter Mbah, the Governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party Party in Enugu State, has dismissed the age long belief that Enugu is Land locked.

While speaking on instituting a multimodal transport system at the event of unveiling his campaign manifesto at the Godfrey Okoye University Enugu,

Dr. Mbah said;
“In view of our development plan which is based on attracting investment and making Enugu a destination for living and business, it is critical that our public transportation mirrors acceptable global standards.

“Moving in that direction we shall seek to evolve a multi modal transport system incorporating light rail, tram services and inland waterway services to complement the existing road transportation.
Our plan for public transportation is radical. We are going to reduce the concentration we have on the roads.

“Unknown to a lot of people, Enugu is not a landlocked state. Enugu has a coastal land and we are going to explore it. We are going to have an inland waterway system. We have already started working with our members who are in the house of representative. We are fortunate by the way, to have one of our sons as the chairman of the house committee of inland waterways.

“ I will also state here that through his instrumentality we have been able to get the inland waterway to conduct a bathymetric survey. So we know that the waterway is navigable and we can actually transport and move our goods and persons from that location to different other locations like Onitsha and Kogi using the inland waterway.
So we have the bathymetric data now. All we have to do is to understudy the sort of batches we need to use for the inland waterway transportation.”

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