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Enugu State Governor Unveils Plans to Address Power Supply Challenges

Enugu State Governor Unveils Plans to Address Power Supply Challenges

                                         Enugu State Governor Unveils Plans to Address Power Supply Challenges

Enugu State Governor Unveils Plans to Address Power Supply Challenges: Enugu State Governor, Dr. Peter Mbah, has outlined his government’s strategy to address the persistent challenges

posed by erratic power supply affecting businesses and residents in the state. One of the key initiatives announced is

the establishment of the Enugu State Electricity Regulatory Commission, aimed at addressing legal and regulatory aspects

to improve the power sector. Governor Mbah emphasized the importance of electricity in fostering industrial development and

assured stakeholders that efforts would be made to ensure a steady power supply in Enugu by the end of 2026. This includes plans to build

new transmission lines and manage power distribution effectively, potentially involving partnerships with the private sector.

The project

Additionally, Governor Mbah highlighted the ongoing legacy project aimed at revitalizing the educational sector. He revealed plans to construct

260 smart schools across the state, with work already underway in 160 wards and the remaining 100 set to commence soon. These smart schools aim to provide modern learning environments, offering 12 years of compulsory and free education to all children in the state. The initiative includes early childhood learning programs, transitioning from traditional chalkboards to smart boards, and providing digital notepads for students.

Furthermore, Governor Mbah addressed healthcare infrastructure, stating plans to build 260 type II health centers across wards, with 30 centers already awarded contracts and plans for 100 more. He emphasized efforts to reduce maternal mortality rates by improving healthcare services, including increasing the intake of nursing students and upgrading nursing schools.

In response to questions about transportation challenges faced by students due to the removal of fuel subsidies, Governor Mbah pledged to implement a subsidized transport system to alleviate the hardship faced by students. This commitment was made during the Enugu Town Hall Meeting held at the Old Government House in Enugu.

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