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capital of Enugu State

Enugu, capital of Enugu State, set for her first China Communications Construction Company CCCC, sponsored under 15 Youth Games.

capital of Enugu State

capital of Enugu State: More than 2000 athletes and officials from

the 17 local government areas of the State are in Enugu for the first China Communications Construction Company CCCC Under 15 Youth Games
The Games which began on Tuesday 20th August 2024 with

screening and accreditation of athletes at Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium,

will end on 25th August 2024, was designed to select the best athletes

who will represent the State in the forthcoming National Youth Games

scheduled for Asaba, Delta State from 10th- 20th September, 2024.

Addressing officials at Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, the Commissioner

for Youth and Sports Barrister Lloyd Ikechukwu Ekweremadu,

charged the officials to be above board ,fair, equitable and just.

He noted that the Games were designed to improve sports in the

State and to enable the State select the best athletes for the National Youth Games .

He regretted that the State didn’t do well last year consequently the need to improve on its performance.

the commitment

” Commit yourself to the improvement of sports in Enugu State.

The State didn’t do well last year and the Governor was not happy

at the performance consequently the decision for this Games to

enable the State select the best athletes who will represent the State at the games’
” The State didn’t go with her best athletes last year.

This game was designed to select the best athletes for the State’
” We are desirous of rewriting sports in the State, ensure that only

athletes who are under 15 and the best are selected’ .
” It is a huge task that you have, however, the size of the competition

will not be a problem to you considering your experiences as coaches

and officials who have competed in national and international levels, ensure that the children under your care are safe and well fed’ he said.

Dan Onwuegbuna
Director Information

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