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Mbah's Inauguration:


Ahead of the 2023 gubernatorial elections, Enugu PDP guber candidate, Peter Mbah’s governorship ambition received a major boost over the weekend, as Enugu indigenes in UK and Ireland endorsed him as their candidate.

Enugu indigenes in diaspora pledged their total support to Barr. Peter Mbah, and also urged their relations at home to vote for him.

This was made known through their representatives, Mrs Godlyn Chikwe, a lawyer and advance general nurse practitioner UK; Mrs Mary-Ann Chukwuenyem, Global RFS sales Lead, Kyndryl, UK and Mr Chidera Attama, MD Flamingo Tech Ltd UK , at a political programme, Freedom Square on Solid 100.9 FM, Enugu, anchored by Hon. Uchenna Cyril Anioke (PhD)

These prominent individuals served as zoom guests at the radio programme which was powered by the Peter Mbah support group in UK and Ireland, among other in-house guests, Nana Ogbodo, Enugu PDP campaign spokesperson, Dr Augustine Okolie, member public communications committee and Barr Olangwa Ezekwu, Director PDP diaspora campaign committee.

While admonishing their relations to ensure they cast their votes on the election day, they stressed the need for the people of Enugu to vote for the PDP guber candidate.

Use everything within you to ensure Mbah’s win. It’ll be a privilege to have Mbah as the next governor. He deserves every single vote,” stated Mrs Chikwe.

Let’s encourage continuity. Mbah is an opportunity. Make your votes count by voting Barr Peter Mbah,” added Mr Attama.

Speaking differently at the same programme, the zoom guests from the Peter Mbah support group highlighted their observations on Mbah’s manifesto.

Speaking on Mbah’s agenda for healthcare, the legal adviser to the Peter Mbah support group UK & Ireland Mrs Chikwe stated that, with Mbah’s plan for New NHIS (2022), his tenure will provide a sustainable and affordable health care system. She further added that his tenure would encourage the Healthcare workers outside Nigeria to return home to develop Enugu’s health care with their expertise, thereby improving the state’s economy.

Mrs Chukwuenyem, affirmed the capability of Peter Mbah’s government to ensure accountability, transparency and record-keeping. She stated confidently, that Mbah’s track record has proved his credibility and accountability in his own business, Pinnacle Oil.

Transparency, accountability are very key. Without accountability, it is difficult to grow any establishment. You’ve got to be accountable and transparent to the people that put you in power,” added Mrs Chukwuenyem.

The finance expert Mr Attama, described Mbah as not only an outstanding business man but a leader with vision. He stated, Mbah has the capability to transform Enugu from just a residential state to a commercial state, through his Industrialization plan for the state.

He (Mbah) has not just presented us a manifesto, he has presented us a blue print to the future. He has presented us with a map that will sail us beyond this storm, to a place where Enugu will, from the hands of God to a visible industrial and wealthy state,”Mr Attama added.

He further commended the PDP guber candidate for his great plans for the youths, through empowerment and employment.

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