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Enugu State Under Pressure to End Coal Mining Activities as Stakeholders Cry Out Over Environmental Negligence


Stakeholders in Enugu State, including environmental rights activists, retired miners, their family members, and media representatives, have called for the decommissioning of all abandoned coal mining sites in the state. The demand was made during a media interactive and town hall meeting on coal mining, organized by the Renevlyn Development Initiative (RDI) and its partners.


Speakers at the forum emphasized that 70 years of coal mining in Enugu State have not brought any tangible benefits to the miners, their families, or the state. Instead, it has led to environmental degradation, health problems, and economic losses. The stakeholders resolved to petition the Enugu State government to advocate for a just energy transition that prioritizes the well-being of the people and the environment.


Philip Jakpor, Executive Director of RDI, noted that coal mining has been a disinvestment to the communities, causing environmental degradation and health problems. He criticized the state government’s decision to re-certify miners instead of conducting an environmental audit to assess the impact of mining on the state’s ecosystem.


The stakeholders listed several demands, including a full audit of post-coal mining in Enugu, decommissioning of moribund mines, profiling and compensation of former miners and their families, and regular updates on coal mining activities. They also called for the disclosure of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports and agreements between companies and coal mining communities.


Retired miners and family members of late miners shared their experiences of neglect and suffering due to coal mining. The stakeholders, including representatives from NEW Foundation, EDEN, CODAF, and NELCCI, unanimously supported the decommissioning of coal mining in Enugu State and explored alternatives in renewable energy sources.

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