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Mbah's Inauguration:

“Enugu Will Be One Of The Top Three States In The Country In Terms Of GDP” — Mr Peter Mbah

Enugu State PDP Governorship Candidate Mr Peter Mbah has again assured Ndi Enugu that Enugu State will be one of the top three states in the country in terms of GDP if elected into office next year.

In a media chat which took place in Enugu, Mr. Mbah, a Lawyer, CEO of Pinnacle Oil and Gas and the gubernatorial candidate of the PDP in the state has reassured that Enugu would be the preferred destination for investment, business and tourism.

During the Media Interaction which was coordinated by the head of the Peter Mbah Organization (Media), Mr Dan Nwomeh assisted by Prince Josh Ejeh and had in attendance some On Air Personalities (AOP) and Online news bloggers in Enugu, Mr Mbah had said he would deliver “quality people focused governance” anchored on making Enugu “the preferred destination for investment, business and tourism.”

In Continuation, Peter Mbah projected that his government will attain a zero percent rate in the state’s poverty headcount index. He stated that this will be achieved by growing the state’s GDP to $30b from it’s present $4.4b.

More so, Mr Mbah said his government will anchor on the strategic objectives of “Peace, Development and Prosperity” and intentionally  continue to build on the peace already in existence in the state. He also stated clearly that Agriculture will become Enugu’s Oil wealth.

In his words;

“We are clear about the plans… and objectives we have for Enugu State. Our strategic objectives are anchored on Peace, Development and Prosperity.”

“Agriculture is going to be our own oil wealth, we have an ambitious programme for agriculture. We shall take agricultural production seriously and would grow it both for domestic consumption and for export.

There are a lot of things happening in agriculture today that we’re going to scale up. We understand the challenges the sector is facing, we are going to have hyper scale in our agricultural production and we are not going to produce enough for us to eat as a state, we are going to seek to become a bet exporter of this agric produce.

“We are not going to only produce them raw, we are also going to process them. We’re going to build warehouses, we’re going to have enough storage for those agric produce. We are  going to process them, there will be people that are going to provide logistics, packaging, marketing, etc., thus we are going to have a whole value chain in our agric sector.”

We have to do things differently not better because if we do things better we’ll have to grow marginally and incrementally. So we have to do things differently to grow exponentially.

“We are clear about the plans we have for Enugu State. We have clear objectives. Our strategic objectives coincidentally is anchored on the acronym of our party, PDP, which stands for Peace, Development and Prosperity…

“We are going to ensure that we have peace and security in Enugu State. The current peace and security we have shall be sustained and built upon. The reason being that you cannot have sustainable development without peace as you cannot have peace without a sustainable development. They are inexplicably intertwined and mutually enforcing. We shall have a three pronged approach to security. We shall have an integrated programme to accelerate youths employment because unemployment and poverty engender insecurity on our communities, and everywhere.

“We are also going to have an integrated rural development programme which would address the infrastructure deficit we have in our rural communities. We will ensure that we have water sanitation and so on to boost rural development.

“We shall pay attention to the issue of community policing and inclusion of all citizens in governance.

“These three pronged interventions will see that we address the root causes of insecurity and also deal with physical security challenges. We shall deploy technology in our community policing schemes.”

Mr Mbah touched on most sectors and the tech world wasn’t exempted as he also revealed his mouth-watering intentions for the Tech industry.

According to him;
“We hope to do a lot with our ICT. We’re looking forward to having Enugu as the data centre of the South East. What that means is that we want to be attractive to companies like Microsoft, Facebook and Google. We need them to be able to site their offices and businesses here. We’re going to build hyperscale tier-four data centre in Enugu.
From that investment which is going to cost about one hundred million naira (#100,000 000) we will get there.” 

He added, “We will provide the enabling environment, but the attraction will be for the private sector to come and invest. Those critical infrastructures that are required for the private sector to come to prefer Enugu to other places will be provided by the government. The growth and development will be driven by the private sector.”

He also made reference to what his “yet to be unveiled manifesto” will look like as he referred to the above as “snippets on who they are” and that more will be unveiled in his manifesto.


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