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Former President Goodluck Jonathan Sees Hope in Nigeria's Economic Future

Former President Goodluck Jonathan Sees Hope in Nigeria’s Economic Future

Former President Goodluck Jonathan Sees Hope in Nigeria’s Economic Future

Former President Goodluck Jonathan Sees Hope in Nigeria’s Economic Future:  Former President Goodluck Jonathan has expressed his belief that Nigeria will overcome its current

socio-economic challenges with the grace of God. Speaking at the 2024 Annual Law Week of the Yenagoa

Branch of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Jonathan noted that the country has faced similar challenges

in the past and has always emerged stronger. He cited the economic recovery programme introduced by the

General Ibrahim Badamasi Babagida administration in the 1980s and the country’s ability to recover from the 2016-2019 economic recession.

Jonathan emphasized the need for collaborative efforts in finding solutions to the present economic hardship,

saying that the federal government is doing its best to salvage the situation. He described the theme of the law week,

“The Legal Profession in a time of socio-economic uncertainty,” as apt and well-chosen, given the present economic hardships in the country.

Justice Obande Ogbuinya, a Justice of the Supreme Court, delivered a keynote speech in which he highlighted the global

economic crisis and its impact on Nigeria’s economy. He described the economy as “wobbling and engulfed in instability” and noted the effects of corruption on the country.

the minister

Senator Heineken Lokpobiri, Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, called on lawyers to be innovative and take advantage of opportunities despite the economic situation. He assured that the federal government is doing everything necessary to support the vulnerable population and solve the economic situation.

Chief Judge of Bayelsa State, Justice Matilda Ayemieye, emphasized the crucial role of legal practitioners in adapting to changes and upholding the rule of law during times of uncertainty. She encouraged lawyers to draft new legislation, challenge unjust laws, and interpret legal precedence in the courts.

The event highlighted the need for collective efforts in addressing the socio-economic challenges facing Nigeria and the importance of the legal profession in promoting stability, justice, and governance during times of uncertainty.

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