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FOSAD urges FG to revert International Passport fees to affordable price

FOSAD urges FG to revert International Passport fees to affordable price, says Nigerians are struggling with untold hardship

FOSAD urges FG to revert International Passport fees to affordable price

FOSAD urges FG to revert International Passport fees to affordable price: The Forum of South-East Academic Doctors (FOSAD) is worried over the recent increase in

the cost of obtaining an international passport in Nigeria, which

has now become more expensive than the national minimum wage.

This situation is unacceptable and places an undue burden on ordinary

Nigerians, who are already grappling with severe economic hardships.

As a key document required for travel and identification,

the international passport should be accessible to all citizens,

regardless of their economic status. The current pricing structure

(N100,000) is not only exorbitant but also unfair, particularly in a

country where the majority of the population struggles to meet basic needs on a minimum wage that is far below the cost of living.

the federal Government

FOSAD calls on the Federal Government to consider the prevalent

hyper inflation and immediately revert to the previous, more

affordable pricing of international passports.

The increased cost exacerbates the suffering of Nigerians who are

already facing multiple economic challenges, including hyper inflation,

unemployment, and the high cost of essential goods and services.

We remind the government that access to an international passport is a fundamental right for all citizens, not a privilege reserved for the wealthy.

The prohibitive cost effectively restricts this right and hinders the

ability of many Nigerians to pursue opportunities abroad, whether for education, work, or other legitimate purposes.

FOSAD urges the Federal Government to prioritize the welfare

of its citizens by implementing policies that alleviate rather than

exacerbate their economic struggles. We believe that reverting to the old passport pricing is a necessary step in the right direction and would demonstrate the government’s commitment to easing the financial burdens on Nigerians.

the solidarity

FOSAD stands in solidarity with all Nigerians who are affected by this price increase and calls on the relevant authorities to act swiftly in reversing this decision. It is crucial that the government listens to the voices of the people and takes immediate steps to reduce the cost of obtaining an international passport to a level that is affordable for all.


Dr Stephen Nwala

President, FOSAD


Dr Uzor Ngoladi

Secretary General, FOSAD

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