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LENT: Embrace Simplicity, Prioritize Prayer: Pope Francis’s Message to Seminarians During Lent

In Vatican City, Pope Francis delivered a message during Lent, urging Catholics, especially seminarians, to embrace simplicity, prioritize prayer over appearance, and foster harmony with those around them. He stressed the foundational importance of being awed by God’s love, urging individuals to allow themselves to be moved by this profound truth. This awe, he suggested, serves as the bedrock of one’s vocation and spiritual journey.


Pope Francis recommended specific practices to reconnect with this love, such as Eucharistic adoration and prayerful reading of the Bible. By engaging in these spiritual disciplines, individuals can rediscover the depth of God’s love and renew their sense of wonder and gratitude.


Furthermore, the pope emphasized the significance of simplicity and cautioned against the allure of extravagance and superficiality. He encouraged seminarians to adopt a lifestyle characterized by selflessness and attentiveness to the needs of others. By living simply and avoiding wastefulness, individuals can cultivate a disposition of generosity and compassion, essential qualities for aspiring priests.


In addition, Pope Francis warned against the pervasive influence of the “cult of image and appearance,” urging individuals to nurture their inner lives and prioritize spiritual growth over outward appearances. He underscored the importance of living in peace and unity, promoting fraternity and humility as essential virtues in today’s world.

A priest gives Pope Francis a ceramic plate commemorating the day’s audience with seminarians and staff from the Cardinal Ascalesi Seminary in Naples, Italy, in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace Feb. 16, 2024. The seminary was celebrating its 90th anniversary. 


Drawing parallels between the seminary and the Church itself, Pope Francis likened them to construction sites, where formation is ongoing and responsive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He emphasized the dynamic nature of the Church, which is always evolving and open to the movement of the Spirit.


Overall, Pope Francis’s message underscores the importance of simplicity, prayer, and fraternity in the Lenten journey and the ongoing formation of individuals within the Church.

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