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Moribund Ajaokuta Steel Company Gets N42.03bn in 9 Years

Moribund Ajaokuta Steel Company Gets N42.03bn in 9 Years, Despite Decades of Inactivity

Moribund Ajaokuta Steel Company Gets N42.03bn in 9 Years

Moribund Ajaokuta Steel Company Gets N42.03bn in 9 Years: The Ajaokuta Steel Company’s financial affairs have been shrouded in opacity, with a staggering N42.03 billion allocated to the company between 2016 and 2024, despite its dormant state.

This lack of transparency has raised pressing concerns regarding

the judicious utilization of these funds, sparking suspicions of potential corruption, mismanagement, and embezzlement.

A closer examination of the company’s expenditures reveals a

startling discrepancy, with a whopping 80.87% (N33.99 billion)

of the allocated funds being squandered on personnel costs,

despite the company’s skeletal workforce of less than 10 employees.

This egregious misallocation of resources warrants a thorough

investigation to justify the personnel costs and ensure they are

commensurate with the company’s operational requirements.

Moribund Ajaokuta Steel Company Gets N42.03bn in 9 Years: the government

The government’s repeated attempts to resuscitate the company

have been met with unmitigated failure, including ill-fated partnerships

with foreign entities. This raises fundamental questions about the efficacy

of the government’s strategies and the company’s viability. A radical

reassessment of the approach is imperative, potentially involving innovative

partnerships with local investors or a paradigm shift in the business model.

The company’s mismanagement has been a perennial impediment to

progress, despite the infusion of billions of naira. The government

must hold accountable those responsible for this maladministration

and ensure the implementation of effective management structures to prevent future debacles.

the budget

Furthermore, the absence of accountability among those responsible

for managing the company and overseeing the budgetary allocations has

been a glaring omission. The government must establish a culture of accountability,

ensuring that those responsible are held answerable for their actions

and that there are consequences for mismanagement and corruption.

the transformation

Industry experts proffer that the government should adopt a novel approach

to revitalize the company, drawing inspiration from China’s successful

transformation of its steel industry within 25 years. Additionally, they recommend indigenizing the industry by allowing local investors to assume a majority stake,

capping government interest at 25%. A well-crafted policy framework is also essential to ensure transparency

and accountability in the utilization of funds. By addressing these pressing concerns and implementing expert recommendations, the government can potentially

revive the Ajaokuta Steel Company and unlock its potential as a significant contributor to Nigeria’s economy.

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