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Enugu Farmer Petitions Police over False Alarm on Agric PPP

Alleged ‘RUGA’: Enugu Farmer Petitions Police over False Alarm on Agric PPP With Govt


Enugu Farmer Petitions Police over False Alarm on Agric PPP

Enugu Farmer Petitions Police over False Alarm on Agric PPP: An Enugu-born

commercial farmer, Ahmad Sani Ibrahim, formerly known as Friday Nnaji, has petitioned

the Assistant Inspector-General of Police, Zone 13, raising the alarm over alleged

criminal defamation and attempts by some persons to misrepresent his farming partnership

with the Enugu State Government, calling on the law enforcement agency to investigate

the matter to avert breach of peace.

Mr. Ibrahim accused two indigenes of Isi-Uzo LGA, Mr. Simon Ede and Engr. Samuel

Ugwuede of falsely relying on a purported search at the Corporate Affairs Commission

(CAC) to present the agricultural venture with the state government as a front by some

northern elements to acquire vast lands in Isi-Uzo for sinister purposes.

Enugu Farmer Petitions Police over False Alarm on Agric PPP: the big farmer

The big farmer, who said that he converted to Islam in 1998, also clarified that shareholders

and directors of the company, who bear Muslim names were not northerners as published by

Samuel Ugwuede and Simon Ede, but his wives and children.

He equally explained that the venture was for crop production, not ranching and further

accused the duo of Ugwuede and Ede of cyberstalking, racist and xenophobic publications against

his person, and Ugwu Anama Farms, as well a deliberate attempt to cause a breach of peace in Isi-Uzo and the state in general.

In the petition dated April 11, 2024, and accompanied with an old affidavit of change of

name and the newspaper publication to that effect, the petitioner wrote: “I am a Muslim by

faith and religion. I am an indigene of Ugwu Anama, Mbu in Isi-Uzo LGA of Enugu State.

My native name is Friday Nnaji. After I converted to the Islamic religion and faith in 1998, I started bearing Ahmed Sani Ibrahim as my Islamic name.

Enugu Farmer Petitions Police over False Alarm on Agric PPP: the shareholder

“I am the promoter and majority shareholder of Ugwu Anama Farm Ltd. The other shareholders

of the company are: Ibrahim Hassan, my Islamic adopted son, and also a director of the company;

Layusat Shehu Jibril, one of my wives and a director of the company; Zainab Sani Ahmad, one of my wives;

Mariyam Said, my Islamic adopted daughter, and Ahmad Sani Ibrahim, my biological son.

“While Engr. Samuel Chimaobi Ugwuede is from the same Mbu community as I, Mr Ede Simon Onyema is from Eha-Amufu, another community in my Isi-Uzo LGA. Both of them know me very well.

“In a bid to unlock the economic and social potentials of the state, the company and Enugu

State Government, in March, 2024, entered into a Public Private Partnership

Agreement (PPPA) wherein it was agreed, among other things, that the state will

provide the company with 15,000 hectares of farmlands in Isi-Uzo Local Government Area of the State for the cultivation of cassava, rice, maize, high-yielding premium banana and yam.

the relationship

“Having learnt about the above relationship between the state and the company,

the duo of Engr. Samuel Chimaobi Ugwuede and Mr. Ede Simon Onyema maliciously,

between March and April, 2024, made defamatory, offensive, ethnocentric,

racist and xenophobic publications against the petitioners (shareholders and directors)

on the WhatsApp group chat called “Isi Uzo News”, with intent to deliberately

provoke breach of peace by offensive publication; cause criminal defamation,

cyber stalking; and cause racist and xenophobic disaffection against the petitioners,

by portraying the shareholders and directors of the company as Northern

elements who are hiding under the cover of the company to acquire large expanse

of Igbo land belonging to the Eha-Amufu people of Isi-Uzo LGA of Enugu State for sinister purposes.”

Attaching copies of the alleged offensive publications entitled “Unmasking those

Behind Ugwu Anama Farm Ltd” and “Eha-Amufu Land: Hand of Esau and Voice of Jacob,”

the farmer wrote, “Under the laws of Nigeria, every Nigerian has the right to acquire

moveable and immovable properties, reside in and do legitimate business in any part of Nigeria, irrespective of religious or ethnic background and affiliation.

the faith

“Therefore, one being of another faith is not a barrier to acquiring land or doing business of any nature in Enugu State.

“Moreover, the duo of Engr. Samuel Chimaobi Ugwuede and Mr Ede Simon Onyema

are enlightened and well aware of this fact, but deliberately and maliciously chose to

make the said offensive publications against us with the ultimate intent of spreading

hate and ultimately undermining the said project between the Enugu State Government

and the company.

“The offensive publications are clearly intended to spread ethnic hatred against the

shareholders and directors and endanger our lives, safety, properties and business interests

in Eha-Amufu, Isi-Uzo LGA and Enugu State at large.”

The company, therefore, requested the Police AIG to use his “good office to investigate

this complaint and bring the culprits to book if found culpable.”

Meanwhile, Ibrahim-Nnaji is a commercial farmer involved in large’scale crop production in

Isi-Uzo and other parts of the country over the years.

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