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Enugu State Government demolishes OSISATECH

Enugu State Government demolishes OSISATECH, and Various businesses

Enugu State Government demolishes OSISATECH

Enugu State Government demolishes OSISATECH: In disobedience to a valid order of the Federal High Court in Enugu to stop the

demolition of Our Saviour Institute of Science, Agriculture and Technology

(OSISATECH) Polytechnic and College of Education for the proposed Enugu

Central Station, Governor Peter Mbah’s administration on Wednesday evening brought down the school.

Peter Mbah is a lawyer by training but a businessman dealing in oil and gas as a profession.

SaharaReporters reported on Wednesday that Honourable Justice F. O. G. Ogunbanjo

of Court 2 on Tuesday in Suit No: FHC/EN/CS/78/2024, ordered the Enugu State

government to stop the demolition of the school.

SaharaReporters earlier reported that Mbah’s administration had started demolishing properties on 30 hectares of land for the proposed Enugu Central Station.

Enugu State Government demolishes OSISATECH: the occupants

Although several occupants have since gone to court to challenge the demolition,

Mbah’s administration has claimed that the state had a Memorandum of Understanding

(MoU) with the Railway Property management who leased the property to the occupants.

The administration also claimed that the government had paid compensation to the

Railway Property and some occupants. However, some of them who spoke to

SaharaReporters said no single person had been paid compensation.

OSISATECH Polytechnic and College which houses OHA Micro-Finance Bank and

Convent of the Religious Sisters of Jesus the Saviour was marked for demolition by the government without providing the school and its students an alternative place.

Enugu State Government demolishes OSISATECH: On Saturday, all the hostels and some lecture halls were demolished.

However, in an ex-parte order issued by Justice F. O. G. Ogunbanjo of Court 2 in Suit No: FHC/EN/CS/78/2024, between Our Saviour Institute of Science, Agriculture and Technology as Applicant and Government of Enugu State of Nigeria and Attorney General & Commissioner for Justice, Enugu State as 1st and 2nd Respondents, the court ordered that parties should maintain status quo pending the determination of the suit.

The enrolled order was subsequently served on the Attorney General and Commissioner

for Justice, Dr Kingsley Udeh on Wednesday morning.

However, despite the court order, the government directed that the structures including

the Convent and OHA Micro-Finance Bank should be completely demolished.

Pictures and videos sent to SaharaReporters by some concerned students of the institution show the entire school structures in rubble despite the pendency of the court order.

the students lamentation

Lamenting, one of the students said: “Why do Nigerian politicians disregard court

orders with impunity? Governor Peter Mbah claimed to be a lawyer, so why does he

violate court orders with impunity? He doesn’t have regard for the court but when they

are in trouble they will run to the same court for protection.

“There are so many places his government demolished people’s property, yet nothing substantial

is going on in those places. The water he said would be running in every compound in Enugu State metropolis is not anywhere and instead of fixing it, he has abandoned it.

“Now he is demolishing hundreds of properties and dislocating businesses stretching 30,000 square meters to build Enugu Central Station to collect tolls from motorists.”

He added, “Actually, after part of school was demolished on Saturday, we felt it

would stop there only to return on Wednesday evening to level what remained of the institution.”

the court

Justice Ogunbanjo declared in an enrolled order obtained by SaharaReporters on Wednesday, saying:

“Upon this Motion Exparte dated and filed on the 14 day of May 2024 coming up before this

Honourable Court for hearing of the Motion Exparte.

“Parties absent. Arthur Obi Okafor, S.A.N, with Benjamin Osoh, Esq., and R.O. Ogbolu, Esq., for the Applicant. And the Court having delivered Ruling this 14 day of May 2024.

“It Is Hereby Ordered As Follows:

“The Respondents are to be put on notice by the service of this Motion Exparte upon them.

“The Respondents are to file an Affidavit to show cause within 7 days from today

why the Applicant’s prayers should not be granted.

the right

“In line with Order 4 Rule 4(c)(iv) of the Fundamental Rights (Enforcement Procedure)

Rules 2009, parties are to maintain status quo pending the determination of this Motion Exparte.

“The matter is hereby adjourned to the 23rd day of May 2024 for hearing.

“Issued at Enugu under the seal of the Court and the hand of the presiding Judge, this 14th day of May 2024.”

 © Sahara reporters

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