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Obi to Tinubu: Address Pressing Issues, Declare War on Insecurity, Economy, and Corruption

Obi to Tinubu

Obi to Tinubu: Presidential candidate Peter Obi has criticized President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s recent national broadcast for failing to address the critical issues

that sparked the ongoing protests across Nigeria. Obi, who contested

the 2023 elections under the Labour Party, expressed his disappointment

in a series of tweets, stating that the President’s speech was “disconnected

from the harsh realities faced by the people.”

Obi commended the President for finally addressing the nation, but noted

that the speech lacked empathy towards those injured, arrested, and

detained during the protests. He emphasized the government’s responsibility

to protect citizens exercising their democratic rights and to identify and prosecute criminal elements attempting to disrupt the protests.

the appreciation

Obi also appreciated the President’s condemnation of ethnic bigotry but

urged for more decisive action, such as immediate arrest and prosecution

of those responsible. He advised the President to surround himself with individuals who would present the unvarnished truth, rather than sycophants, and to focus on addressing pressing issues like corruption, high cost of living, and poverty alleviation.

Obi reiterated his call for the President to declare a war on insecurity, economy, poverty, unemployment, and the power sector, and to address persistent issues of corruption and mismanagement of public funds decisively. He also requested regular briefings from the President to communicate visible and verifiable measures being taken to revive the nation.

the summary

Obi concluded by urging the President to reduce the repetition of the problems and instead focus on alleviating the suffering of the people. He emphasized that Nigerians do not expect the President to solve the nation’s problems overnight but expect a concerted effort to address the mismanagement of public resources and tackle critical issues to set the country on a path to recovery and growth.

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