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Appointments of key officers will determine Dr. Peter Mbah’s political will to do things differently

The Enugu State Governor-elect, Dr. Peter Mbah, has formed a transition committee, the committee which was Inaugurated on the 27th day of April 2023, the committee therefore were charged to come up with a implementable draft that would help build Enugu state to a greater height, this is to facilitate the smooth transfer of power from the current administration to his incoming government. The committee is tasked with streamlining the governor-elect’s manifesto, which was originally 65 pages long, into a concise and implementable policy.


Guild of Public Affairs Analysts, Enugu State Chapter, Dr. Chikezie Obasi, has urged the committee to deliver a good report to Dr Peter Mbah, stating that the governor-elect speaks from his heart and is committed to addressing the issues facing Enugu State.


During a recent discussion on the transition committee and matters arising, Clinton Umeh noted that Dr. Peter Mbah has been consistent in his ability to build, citing the growth of Pinnacle Oil and Gas as evidence. However, Umeh cautioned that the appointment of the Secretary to the State Government and Chief of Staff would determine if the incoming government is truly committed to change or if it’s business as usual. Noting that the transition committee is a roadmap to governance, and that Governor-elect Mbah must be held accountable for his promises. Anioke noted that the governor-elect must make responsible appointments and choices, and that he cannot blame his appointees for any shortcomings in his administration.


The discussion also touched on the need for fiscal responsibility in government. Dr. Obasi cited the example of former Finance Minister Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who helped President Olusegun Obasanjo save money during his administration, but was unable to do so during the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan, who wasted those savings. Obasi warned that governor-elect Mbah must avoid the mistakes of his predecessors and be careful with government spending.

The transition committee is off to a good start, but much work still needs to be done. The committee must ensure that the governor-elect’s promises are translated into implementable policies, and that responsible individuals are appointed to key positions. The governor-elect must also be mindful of government spending and ensure that public funds are used wisely.

Ultimately, it is up to Governor-elect Mbah to deliver on his promises, and not fail the electorate who brought him to power, as fingers are crossed waiting to see what his first hundred days achievements in office would be, giving the goals he has set for himself especially on creating affordable water for people of the state.

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