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Bruce Fein Cautions Nigerians To Beware Of Deceptive Politicians Who Shed Tears To Deceive The People

Leader of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu’s United States Council and Spokesman, Bruce Fein, has taken to the social media on Tuesday to warn Nigerians to beware of deceptive politicians.

His reference to politicians’ shedding of tears to deceive the masses brings to mind the famous weeping by the then retired General Mohammadu Buhari in 2014 as he lamented over the bad state of the country then. The people elected him as President; however, the situation has changed drastically from bad to worse according to many Nigerians.

Mr. Fein’s post reads:

“Caution! To avoid stumbles and misadventures in the political domain, be acutely aware that nothing dries faster than a politician’s tear. All their actions are propelled by ulterior motives.”

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