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children's book removed from South Africa library due to pro-Israel censorship efforts

“From The River to The Sea” children’s book removed from South Africa library due to pro-Israel censorship efforts.

children’s book removed from South Africa library due to pro-Israel censorship efforts

children’s book removed from South Africa library due to pro-Israel censorship efforts: The removal of a children’s coloring book about Palestine from independent bookstores in South Africa has sparked

outrage and concerns about censorship driven by pro-Israeli lobbying. The book,

“From The River to The Sea”, written and illustrated by Nathi Ngubane and

published by Social Bandit Media, had sold over 3,000 copies before being pulled by the Exclusive Books chain.

The book’s removal is seen as a direct result of pressure from pro-Israeli groups,

who have accused the book of promoting anti-Semitism. However, the author

and publisher reject this claim, stating that the book is an inspirational call for freedom, human rights, and coexistence. Ngubane expected a hostile reaction from Zionists but remains unfazed, aiming to educate young ones about Palestinian freedom and human rights.

Exclusive Books claims they don’t censor books, but independent stores make

their own decisions. However, the company’s statement on Facebook suggests they are sensitive to the issue and aim to provide a diverse range of perspectives.

the demand

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies condemned the book, accusing it

of promoting the removal of Jews from Israel. However, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) condemned the intimidation against Ngubane and Social Bandit Media, stating the book highlights Palestinian struggles and counters Zionist erasure and silencing of history.

Some authors accuse Exclusive Books of stocking pro-Palestinian books but failing

to promote them. Ngubane wants Palestinian children to see freedom and grow up to

contribute to their fight for freedom. He believes Palestine needs to be recognized

as a state, and their suffering should end.

Front cover of the book

The Censorship 

The book’s removal sparks concerns about censorship, intimidation, and the silencing

of Palestinian narratives. Ngubane remains committed to amplifying Palestinian

voices and educating young minds about human rights and activism.

The incident highlights the ongoing struggle for Palestinian representation and the

need for solidarity against censorship and intimidation. The book’s removal is a

setback for Palestinian voices and a victory for censorship and intimidation. However, Ngubane’s commitment to amplifying Palestinian voices and educating young minds about human rights and

activism is a beacon of hope.

The book’s importance lies in its ability to educate children about Palestinian struggles

and highlight their courage and bravery. It provides a platform for children to learn

about other children their age who are making remarkable contributions to their fight for freedom. The book’s removal is a attempt to suppress Palestinian voices and erase their experiences, which is a common tactic used by pro-Israeli groups to maintain a one-sided narrative.

the movement

The solidarity movement and authors like Ngubane are essential in amplifying

Palestinian voices and promoting education and activism. The book’s removal will

not silence Palestinian voices, but instead, it will fuel the movement to end oppression

and recognize Palestine as a state. The incident highlights the need for greater solidarity with Palestine and the importance of standing against attempts to silence their stories.

In conclusion, the removal of “From The River to The Sea” from Exclusive Books is

a concerning trend of censorship and intimidation against Palestinian narratives.

The book’s aim to educate children about Palestinian freedom and human rights is

crucial in countering Zionist erasure and silencing of history.

The solidarity movement and authors like Ngubane are essential in amplifying Palestinian

voices and promoting education and activism. The book’s removal will not silence Palestinian voices, but instead, it will fuel the movement to end oppression and recognize Palestine as a state.

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