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Anxiety as Nnamdi Kanu appears in court today:

IPOB Urges Global Community to Acknowledge Nigerian Government’s Mistreatment of Nnamdi Kanu


The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has expressed deep concern over the prolonged detention of its leader, Nnamdi Kanu, by the Nigerian government. Following the Court of Appeal’s decision to discharge and acquit Kanu of all charges, IPOB has called upon the international community to recognize the injustice being perpetrated against him.

In a statement released by IPOB’s Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, the group highlighted the alarming silence of global bodies such as the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), African Union (AU), and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) regarding Kanu’s continued unlawful detention.

IPOB condemned the deteriorating health conditions faced by Kanu while being held in solitary confinement, a violation of both UN and Nigerian court orders. The organization raised serious allegations, stating that whenever Kanu’s case is brought to attention, the Nigerian government sponsors violent incidents in the Southeast region and falsely attributes them to IPOB, thus tarnishing the group’s image and branding it as a terrorist organization.

The group further revealed that Kanu’s applications for transfer to the Kuje correctional center and for bail were scheduled for hearing, but the Supreme Court failed to address them. IPOB expressed its belief that the Nigerian government is intentionally seeking Kanu’s demise while in detention. They even speculated that the Department of State Services (DSS) might have administered a slow-acting poison to Kanu, explaining his consistent deterioration in health.

In a baffling move, the Nigerian Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court refused to entertain appeals filed by Kanu’s legal team regarding his failing health. Instead, they granted an unjustifiably long adjournment period of four months for a man who had already been discharged and acquitted by the Appeal Court Justices.

Amidst these blatant violations of human rights and judicial misconduct, IPOB expressed disappointment at the lack of action and attention from international organizations and human rights bodies. They urged the global community, particularly the African Union, not to hold IPOB accountable for any consequences arising from Nigeria’s persistent disregard for domestic and international laws in the case of Nnamdi Kanu.

IPOB emphasized its commitment to peaceful means but also emphasized its right to self-defense. They cautioned that their non-violent stance should not be misconstrued as weakness and quoted, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” The group’s message to the international community and Nigerian authorities was clear: if harm befalls their leader, Nigeria and its leaders will face the consequences in the hands of Biafra.


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