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the overbearing influence of first ladies:


the overbearing influence of first ladiesthe overbearing influence of first ladiesthe overbearing influence of first ladiesthe overbearing influence of first ladies: the overbearing influence of first ladies:  “Mrs Obiano’s action brings to the full view of the world, the massive sense of entitlement among some wives of Governors that leads them to deliver atrocious insults and disrespect to women who do not have big “God Father’s” in the system. It also brings to view the private sufferings of Women in Politics and government “       Senator Anyanwu

The overbearing influence of first ladies: Anyawu questions first ladies

Senator Christiana “Chris” Anyanwu ( MFR) a Nigerian journalist, publisher, author, and politician has

condemned the behavior of both the ex governor’s wife, Mrs Ebelechukwu Obiano and the

Nigeria’s beauty queen Lady Bianca Ojukwu.

Senator Anyanwu is of the opinion that the both owes an apology to ndi Anambra and Nigeria at large.

She maintained that Mrs Obiano’s  action speaks volume of the ills suffered by most women in politics. 

In her words,

“We cannot keep quiet and pretend it is acceptable for Bianca to slap the wife of the Governor

and we cannot approve of the wife of the Governor to publicly defame and disgrace other

women who are less empowered.

 The overbearing influence of first ladies: Poor Women

Even if the woman were the poorest of rural women and no matter the provocation, it was still

unconscionable to instigate a physical exchange during that ceremony.

“Mrs Obiano’s action brings to the full view of the world, the massive sense of entitlement

among some wives of Governors that leads them to deliver atrocious insults and

disrespect to women who do not have big “God Fathers” in the system.

It also brings to view the private sufferings of Women in Politics and Government.

“Nothing justifies what Mrs Obiano did in Awka on thursday and what she did is

not a matter for Anambra alone but for the whole nation. The Nigerian population

today has slightly more females than males.

The overbearing influence of first ladies: First Ladies Should Carry Everybody Along

Out of the over 70 million females, only 36 will get to be First Ladies in any four year election cycle.

The rest will be women struggling for a place under the sun by the dint of their hard work.

To now say they cannot have a full sense of belonging; cannot enter the doors of power; cannot add value to governance or politics; to discriminate against women, brutalize them and block them

from full inclusion in state or national affairs simply because they are not

empowered by marriage to enjoy vintage positions , is a great disservice to womanhood and the country.

“For long, the hard working women of Nigeria have suffered much abuse. Many brilliant

women who could have added value have been hindered by the hostilities and

antagonisms of henchmen and spouses of Chief Executives.


The women themselves have covered up their own bad treatment so as not to be further

discriminated against in a system where the scale of power has been weighted against them.

So, in a way, by their silence, women have contributed to the making of the Mrs Obianos of Nigeria.

“But it is now time to raise voices against the abuse of women by women.

The perpetrators should be named and shamed where ever it happens.
It is time for a change in First Lady-ship.

We need to see our sister First Ladies as champions of women’s progress and

shining examples of sisterly love.


We want our First Ladies to shine the light on women’s issues and open the door for

many more women to enter the critical positions in both politics and government.

We don’t need our women bullied, ostracized and defamed simply for jumping up

to be seen and heard and asking to be let into the doors of power in a hostile environment.

The iron cast ceilings of tradition are hard enough to surmount.

But with the entry doors of power blocked by angry, entitled, previledged women, we have no chance at all.

Mrs Obiano should apologise to Bianca and Bianca should make peace with her sister. But above all, they both should apologise to Anambra people and Nigerians at large.” 


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