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Senator Ningi Sparks Controversy

Senator Ningi Sparks Controversy Over Alleged Mismanagement of N3.7 Trillion in 2024 Budget

                                                      Senator Ningi Sparks Controversy

Senator Ningi Sparks Controversy: Tensions escalated in the Senate today as Senator Abdul Ningi,

former Deputy Senate Leader and Chairman of the Northern Senators Forum (NSF), engaged in a

heated exchange with fellow senators over his assertion that N3.7 trillion from the 2024 budget lacked project linkage.

Senator Ningi had made these claims during a BBC interview on Saturday, where he also alleged a disparity between the

budget passed by the National Assembly (N25 trillion) and the one implemented by the Presidency (N28.7 trillion).

Addressing reporters in Abuja, Senator Ningi stood firm behind his statements, expressing readiness to face any consequences,

including suspension from the Senate. He emphasized his belief in accountability and maintained that his remarks were

personal and not reflective of the NSF’s stance.

The Clarification

Senator Ningi clarified that his remarks did not suggest the existence of two separate budgets but highlighted a discrepancy in project allocations.

He reiterated that while N25 trillion was allocated to identifiable projects, N3.7 trillion remained unaccounted for.

Asserting his commitment to transparency, Senator Ningi outlined ongoing efforts to evaluate budget allocations and expressed intentions to

present findings to the Senate President and President Bola Tinubu. He emphasized his identity as a proud northerner but clarified that his concerns were not regionally driven.

In defiance of potential repercussions, Senator Ningi reiterated his faith in divine justice and the transient nature of power. He affirmed that his statements were made in the interest of accountability and pledged to accept any consequences, including suspension, as an honorable stance for upholding principles.

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