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Stakeholders In The Book Ecosystem Celebrate World Book And Copyright Day, Call For Enhanced Reading Culture In The Society

Lead stakeholders in the Nigerian book ecosystem have during the occasion of the celebration of this year’s World Book and Copyright Day on Wednesday, called on Nigerians to revive reading culture for overall human development.

The stakeholders made the call while on a weekly interactive radio program, Freedom Square, on Solid 100.9 FM, Enugu,which, very interestingly, was hosted by the President, Nigerian Publishers Association (NPA), Hon. Uchenna Cyril Anioke, Ph.D., who laid the premise for this year’s celebration with the theme, Read… So you never feel alone,and with particularemphasis on reaching children especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

As the year’s event focused on reading, the importance of books and the major challenge of piracy were brought to the fore during the radio program.

The Director General of the Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC), Dr. John Asein, a virtual guest on the program used the occasion to identify the rebuilding of trust and the rebuilding of bridges across stakeholder groups so as to be able to collate and articulate common positions and through that find solutions that would be enduring, as some of the modest achievements of his service as DG of NCC. These solutions, he said, can be in the area of combating book piracy and making inroad in terms of raids and other enforcement operations.

He explained that the achievements are hinged on the collaboration with major stakeholders like the NPA, BookSellers Association, Association of the Blind, and the media. On the revised copyright bill recently passed by the senate, Dr. Asein said that on its fair dealing provisions, it will have elaborations to help judges measure and judge. Also it provides judges unlimited space for sanctions for copyright infringements.

Another guest on the program, Mr. Gbadega Adedapo, who is the Chairman, Nigerian Book Fair Trust and also a Member Executive Committee, International Publishers Association (IPA), explained that the essence of the book fair is to promote reading culture. The fair also bring book stakeholders together to collaborate and forge ahead. He said that this year’s book fair in Lagos will feature a variety of interesting events including those involving children.

On his submissions, Mr. Dare Oluwatuyi, National President, Nigerian Book Sellers Association, said the association is fully back on track due to the cooperation and support of it’s members and other stakeholder groups, namely NCC and NPA to achieve their common objectives.

In-house guest during the program include Dr. Sir. Josse Odu, Governing Board Member NCC and also Executive Council Member NPA, who decried the devastating effect of piracy on the book sector; Mrs. Rachael Ify Neboh, Deputy Director/Head National Library of Nigeria, Enugu State Branch, who explained that library is digitizing materials online in tune with recent trends and to achieve wider readership; and Mr. Uche Gabriel,General Manager, Solid 100.9 FM, Enugu, who is himself an author.

Mr. Uche appealed to governments at all levels to encourage cerebral activities by rewarding intellectual excellence and accomplishments. For him, if we must have a progressive society, we must imbibe a robust reading culture.

All guest on the program agree that the book is the bedrock of knowledge and that parents should celebrate the World Book and Copyright Day by not only reading but also by encouraging the children to inculcate reading culture for its invaluable benefits both to the individual and the wider society.

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