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  • “The laws that protect a dog is more effective than laws that protect an average Nigerian“ Nonso Nnamani APGA candidate House of Rep.

“The laws that protect a dog is more effective than laws that protect an average Nigerian“ Nonso Nnamani APGA candidate House of Rep.

The pioneer chairman of the Alliance for New Nigeria (ANN) and the convener of the socio economic political movement, power shift and the current APGA candidate, House of Representatives Enugu North and South Federal Constituency, Mr Nonso Nnamani has in an interactive radio program, freedom square on solid 100.9 FM With Hon. Uchenna Cyril Anioke Ph.D discussed the imperatives of representative democracy in the Nigerian polity.

In his words;

“ the government is formed to cater for the needs of the people and introducing democracy is now the tool that creates checks and balances within the system. While The executive must carry out their duties, the legislature must provide laws that will guide the society. The government can be held accountable through the legislature that is why there’s an oversight budget in the legislature. When proper legislation is lacking you can not say you’re practicing democracy because sovereignty belongs to the people and not the government”

He further explained that the legislature ensures that there’s constant communication between the government and the people.

“Are the people satisfied with the quality of representation?

He continued;

“Those who destroy us are more desperate than those of us who only seek freedom. The laws that protect a dog is more effective than the laws that protect an average Nigerian! Enough is Enough. If you go to Enugu North and South the person representing the constituency has not pushed a single bill since he came into office. They receive constituency project to the tune of 8 million a month and 168 million a year. What has been the impact of the money in the communities? They invest tax payers money without any returns. They receive such money without a single work.”

On what he is hoping to do differently, the young and passionate Nonso Nnamani said he is going to restore an active constituency office that must be very active in enquiry and data collection and that is because our people deserve an active representation at all levels.

He disclosed;

“There are laws that we don’t even know exist and nobody is questioning or interrogating them. How do we increase trade? Look at the dilapidating state of our hospitals. Are we even having public conferences or conversation with the people? Corruption I believe, starts with the legislature. International Conference Center has been appearing in the budget for the past 3 years but the project is nonexistent.”

For Mr Nnamani, leadership is a shared responsibility between the leaders and the followers and once one has taken up a leadership position it is a service to the people and not to himself.

One comment

  • Hon. Uche Anioke

    August 10, 2022

    This right here is so true. The legislature has failed us woefully. Truly, the laws that protect a dog is far more effective than the laws that protect the average Nigerian. God have mercy

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