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Trump Endorses Palin For Alaska House Race, Calls Her A ‘Wonderful Patriot’

A breaking news has indicated that the former United States President, Donald Trump, on Sunday endorsed Sarah Palin,former Alaska Governor and Republican vice presidential candidate in the 2008 election, to run for a vacant House seat in Alaska, hailing her as a “wonderful patriot” eminently qualified for the congress.

Recall that the Alaska House seat became vacant after the death of Don Young, a long-term conservative Republican who died in March, aged 88.

Former President Trump had, reportedly, convinced Ms. Palin to run for the congressional seat in which he declared in a public statement that:

“Sarah shocked many when she endorsed me early in 2016, and we won big. Now it’s my turn. Sarah has been a champion for Alaska values, Alaska energy, Alaska jobs, and the great people of Alaska.”

Former President Trump also pointed out that Ms. Palin is against fake news and that she helped boost John McCain’s presidential campaign as running mate in 2008 despite facing daunting challenges.

Ms. Palin has already responded to the endorsement online where she thanked the former President adding that she was greatly honored to have his invaluable support.

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