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Breaking: Umahi Urges Contractors to Expedite Rehabilitation of Benin-Lokoja Road


Senator David Umahi, Minister of Works, has issued a stern directive to contractors overseeing the Benin- Ekpoma- Auchi- Okpella- Okene- Lokoja road project, urging them to promptly accelerate the rehabilitation process or risk contract termination. This mandate came during Umahi’s recent inspection tour of project sites in Edo State, where he emphasized the imperative of expeditious action.


Expressing dissatisfaction with the delayed mobilization of contractors despite the federal government’s timely disbursement of funds, Umahi emphasized that non-compliance would not only result in contract termination but also in being blacklisted. In discussions with Edo State Governor Goodwin Obaseki, Umahi highlighted the urgency of addressing issues hindering project progress, particularly referencing recent protests along the Benin-Auchi highway that disrupted traffic flow.


Acknowledging the gravity of the situation and the public’s grievances, Umahi underscored the need for swift resolutions to prevent further casualties and inconveniences caused by deteriorating road conditions. Governor Obaseki commended Umahi’s dedication to national infrastructure development and pledged unwavering support for initiatives like the concrete technology program, aimed at enhancing road infrastructure across the country.


During his inspection of various project segments handled by different contractors, Umahi emphasized the importance of adhering to the highest standards and meeting project deadlines. He assured stakeholders of President’s commitment to addressing road infrastructure challenges nationwide, emphasizing that no contractor remained unpaid within the region.


Umahi’s proactive approach, evidenced by his nationwide assessment directive and promises of imminent action, reflects the government’s resolve to prioritize infrastructure development and alleviate citizens’ concerns regarding road conditions. With a focus on expediting project execution and ensuring accountability, Umahi’s directives aim to accelerate progress and enhance the quality of road infrastructure in Nigeria.

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