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UNICEF Commends Governor Ugwuanyi for Successful Partnership in Enugu State


In a display of gratitude, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has expressed appreciation to Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State for the fruitful working relationship and partnership between the state government and the international organization during his administration. UNICEF lauded the governor for his remarkable strides in promoting the welfare of children and women in the state.

During a courtesy visit to the Government House in Enugu, the UNICEF Representative in Nigeria, Ms. Cristian Munduate, commended Governor Ugwuanyi for his commitment to the objectives of the organization.

She emphasized his strong leadership and unwavering support in championing the rights of children. Munduate also acknowledged the seamless transition process in the state, which highlighted the commitment of both the incoming and outgoing governments to the well-being of the people.

The purpose of the visit was to bid farewell to the current administration and acknowledge Governor Ugwuanyi’s collaboration with UNICEF. The Chief of Field Office, UNICEF Enugu, Juliet Chiluwe, further emphasized the governor’s dedication to nutrition and strengthening primary healthcare programs in the state.

She expressed optimism that the smooth transition of power would consolidate the progress made and ensure the realization of children’s rights in Enugu State.

In response, Governor Ugwuanyi expressed his gratitude for UNICEF’s partnership and highlighted their joint efforts in various initiatives aimed at improving the welfare of children and youths in the state.

Notably, the School Girls’ Life Skill Training Scheme and the Capacity and Skills Building of the Youths were mentioned as successful collaborations. The governor also acknowledged UNICEF’s support during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in the launch and implementation of the National Youth Volunteer Programme for Hand Washing and Clean Nigeria Campaign for COVID-19 Prevention.

Governor Ugwuanyi urged UNICEF to continue providing technical expertise and material assistance to the state, even under the incoming administration.

He assured the international organization that the new government would collaborate closely to ensure the success of UNICEF’s programs not only within the state but also beyond its borders.

The event was attended by several dignitaries, including the Deputy Governor, Hon. Mrs. Cecilia Ezeilo, the Secretary to the State Government, Prof. Simon Uchenna Ortuanya, and representatives from UNICEF and the state government.

Their presence highlighted the significance of the partnership between UNICEF and Enugu State in improving the lives of children and women.

The commendation from UNICEF reflects the positive impact of Governor Ugwuanyi’s administration on child and maternal welfare in Enugu State.

The collaborative efforts between the state government and UNICEF have contributed to essential initiatives, such as promoting primary healthcare and nutrition programs, empowering youths with skills, and addressing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As the administration transitions to a new government under Dr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, there is optimism that the partnership with UNICEF will continue to thrive.

The outgoing governor’s call for UNICEF’s continued support underscores the importance of sustained collaboration to drive progress in safeguarding the rights and well-being of children in Enugu State.

The successful partnership between Enugu State and UNICEF serves as a model for other regions, demonstrating the positive outcomes that can be achieved through dedicated efforts to improve the lives of vulnerable populations.
By prioritizing the welfare of children and women, the state government has set an example for others to follow, ensuring a brighter future for the next generation.


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