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King Charles' intense anger and frustration over Prince Harry and Meghan

Wrong Doings: King Charles’ intense anger and frustration over Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s visit to Nigeria

King Charles’ intense anger and frustration over Prince Harry and Meghan

King Charles’ intense anger and frustration over Prince Harry and Meghan: A royal expert revealed that King Charles was unprecedentedly furious after Prince Harry

and Meghan Markle’s three-day visit to Nigeria, which included state receptions, military

welcomes, meetings with influential figures, and impactful speeches.

Although the couple received praise from many for their efforts, others criticized the trip, with

some labeling it a de facto royal tour. This perceived breach of protocol reportedly infuriated King Charles,

who was said to be angrier than anyone has ever seen him. In this article, we explore the monarch’s intense

reaction to the Nigeria trip and the reasons behind his anger.

King Charles’ intense anger and frustration over Prince Harry and Meghan: King Charles responds

King Charles furious

Prince William is reportedly seething with anger and determined to prevent similar situations in the future,

while King Charles is said to be angrier than ever before. According to royal author Tom Quinn, the

Nigerian government’s treatment of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle during their recent visit has sparked outrage.

The couple was received with traditional dances, state receptions, school visits, and charity events,

which was seen as an official royal tour. This has led to accusations that Harry and Meghan are defying

their non-working royal status and “going rogue.” The situation has left William and Charles perplexed,

wondering how to regain control and address this perceived “nightmare” scenario.

King Charles’ intense anger and frustration over Prince Harry and Meghan: Personal invitation from Christopher Musa

Tom Quinn elaborated on King Charles’ anger, stating that the Nigeria trip resembled an official royal

visit in every way, complete with receptions, school and charity visits, and meetings with wounded

soldiers and individuals with disabilities. According to Tom, Meghan and Harry’s speeches and demeanor

were deliberately crafted to give the impression that they remain fully-fledged working royals,

which has infuriated King Charles and Prince William. The couple’s actions are perceived as a defiant statement,

essentially saying, “We don’t require your approval to engage in royal duties; we’ll do so on our own terms,

whenever and wherever we choose.” This perceived insubordination has reportedly enraged King Charles and Prince William.

the duke and duchess

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex received an invitation to visit Nigeria from General Christopher Musa, the Chief of Defence Staff, whom Prince Harry met at the games in Düsseldorf, Germany, last September. However, the British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Richard Montgomery, emphasized that the couple’s visit was in a personal capacity and not an official royal tour.

Montgomery clarified, “While it’s wonderful that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are visiting Nigeria, which I understand was at the invitation of the Defence Headquarters, it’s important to note that they are doing so in a private capacity, not an official one.”In an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria, Richard Montgomery, the British High Commissioner to Nigeria,

clarified that the British High Commission had no role in organizing or supporting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s visit. He emphasized that the couple was not representing the British government during their trip.

The National Anthem

The couple didn’t sing along the British Anthem

Interestingly, the British national anthem was played at a reception honoring military families in Nigeria,

a gesture typically reserved for official royal visits. However, it’s worth noting that Meghan

and Harry are no longer part of the Royal Family, having stepped down four years ago, making this

gesture a departure from protocol.

Paul Burrell, a former royal butler, sparked controversy when he criticized Prince Harry

and Meghan Markle’s recent visit to Nigeria, labeling it a “mess” during an appearance on GB News.

He questioned the decision to play the British national anthem during the event, pointing out

that it’s typically reserved for official royal visits. Paul noted that the couple’s failure to sing along,

with Meghan possibly not knowing the words, added to the awkwardness.

Inspection of Troops

Prince Harry was seen inspecting troops in Nigeria

Moreover, Harry’s decision to inspect troops at the Nigerian Defence Headquarters in Abuja,

despite being stripped of his military titles three years ago, drew criticism.

Harry, who served two tours of Afghanistan and previously held several military titles,

including commodore-in-chief of small ships and diving, honorary air commandant of RAF Honington,

and captain general of the Royal Marines, was greeted by a ceremonial performance before carrying out the inspection.

king charles

However, King Charles made the decision to strip his son of these titles when he officially stepped

down as a senior member of the Royal Family in 2021.

Critics on social media slammed Harry’s actions, with one person calling the whole situation “a joke,

” another labeling it “cringy,” and a third commenting, “Harry has only been away playing dress-up,

pretending to inspect the troops and standing to attention to the National Anthem as though he’s still

a Senior working Royal representing King & Country.” Paul Burrell echoed these sentiments, describing the moment as “embarrassing” for the couple, the world, and the country.


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