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2023: Peter Obi Is The Best Presidential Candidate, Was The Best Governor – Chief Onovo

Former Presidential Candidate of the National Conscience Party (NCP) in the 2015 General Election and renowned community leader, Chief Engr. Martin Onovo, on Saturday declared that Mr. Peter Obi was the best in Nigeria when he served as Governor in Anambra State, and that he is the best presidential candidate for the 2023 general election.
Chief Onovo who made the declaration in a weekly interactive radio program, Freedom Square, on Solid 100.9 FM, Enugu, stated that Mr. Obi’s selling points are power rotation and track record. He explained that his vision holds the key to solving the nation’s problems. In his words:
“Leadership is about vision, not about history. Peter Obi, what is his vision? If you understand economics, you will understand that he has gone to the fundamentals – productivity. That is the way to economic growth. There is no magic about this.
If you don’t farm yam, you will not have yam. We were the major exporter of palm oil. The Malaysians came here, took our seeds, took our lectures, went to their country, tried it, it worked, today we are importing from them because we are used to free money: “I’ve never worked in my life but I have a private jet.” That is not only wrong economically, but it is also sinful. It is a sin. Saint Paul said that those who do not work should not eat. That is the Christian standard.
Now everybody in Nigeria or the majority is looking for “free” money. Peter Obi has understood that this is at the root of our lack of productivity. We have 4 refineries. In the last 24 months, they have produced zero petroleum products. Zero. So what is the purpose of a car that does not drive? What is the purpose of a refinery that does not produce a product? And you see, there is no outrage. All the national newspapers accept it. They publish editorials everyday and they do not think it is a serious matter. Yet they turn around and say they have a subsidy on imported petroleum products.
So there is no doubt, Peter Obi understands economics, has a bright vision, very bright, he is definitely younger than most of the other aspirants. I think he is old too, because at 60, I think he is old. Federal civil service retirement age is 60. We need someone 55 and under, but he (Peter Obi) is better than the others.”

On the charges, that Mr. Obi failed to organize local government elections as Governor of Anambra State, Chief Onovo said circumstances might have prevented the elections. He pointed out that even if the elections were conducted, it would have been a charade as had been and still is the case with elections at that level in Nigeria. Also, Mr. Obi had been approached with the issue and he has states his position on the matter.
For Dr. Obasi Obasi a Public Affairs Analyst and a guest on the program, although Peter Obi, is a good candidate, he is not a saint and must accept when there is an error, like the failure to conduct local government elections for 7 years as governor.
Some callers on the program said that Mr. Obi is the best candidate for President so far and that all well-meaning Nigerians should get their Permanent Voter’s Card (PVC) and vote for Obi for a better Nigeria.
Mr. Obi’s popularity, especially amongst the youths has been growing astronomically in recent times due to his style of politics, which is different from the rest of the aspirants and candidates. For one, he speaks truth to power. He has remained, so far, the only candidate that has been going round talking to people and groups of all sorts, selling his program and intimating people on the need and ways to tackle the challenges facing Nigeria.

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