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Angry Mob Burns Down Alleged Organ Harvesting Mortuary

It has been reported that Youths in Ndiolumbe Nvosi autonomous community, in Isiala Ngwa South, Abia State has reportedly set ablaze a mortuary after the owner was allegedly caught in organ harvesting.

The morgue, Prince ‘O’ Mortuary located in Ndiolumbe community, was burnt down yesterday by the angry mob following several accusations of missing organs of the dead deposited in the mortuary.

Also, corroborating the story, Mr. Ubani Dannie, the Youth leader of Ukwa la Ngwa Cultural Group, in a Facebook post revealed that the incident took place in his constituency.

In his words;

“In my constituency of Isiala Ngwa South, an angry mob went beserk yesterday destroying a morgue”, Ubani wrote on Facebook.

He continued; “the morgue, Prince ‘O’ Mortuary located in Ndiolumbe Abia, incurred the wrath of the irate youths for allegedly indulging in the sacrilege of harvesting organs of the dead. Consequently, the youths burnt ambulances.”

Meanwhile, the Police in Abia is yet to comment on the issue as calls and messages sent at remain unanswered.

source: Abacityblog

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