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  • Biafra: Bruce Fein Writes Ohaneze On Nigeria’s Plan To Imprison Nnamdi Kanu Without Trial, Urges Members To Live Up To Their Responsibilites

Biafra: Bruce Fein Writes Ohaneze On Nigeria’s Plan To Imprison Nnamdi Kanu Without Trial, Urges Members To Live Up To Their Responsibilites

Bruce Fein, a United States-based International lawyer and spokesperson of the leader of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has written to Ohanaeze Ndigbo to intimate them on the plans by the Muhammadu Buhari-led Nigerian government to imprison Kanu without trial. He also called on the cultural organization to face up to its legal and moral responsibilities as professed Biafran leader and not show its heels when danger appears.

Mr. Fein’s letter dated May 31, 2022 and addressed to the President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Prof. George Obiozor from Bruce Fein of Bruce Fein Law Firms, Washington DC, was made available to reporters by the IPOB leader’s Special Counsel, Aloy Ejimakor, on Tuesday.

The letter stated in parts as follows:

“It has become obvious beyond a reasonable doubt that the Nigerian government has no incriminating evidence against him. They aim to imprison Nnamdi Kanu indefinitely without a trial praying for either or his death or handing his fraudulent prosecution to the next administration and wash their hands like Pontius Pilate.

“For nearly a year, Nnamdi Kanu has been punished by indefinite detention in solitary confinement and denied access to needed nutrition, medical care, and counsel of choice in violation of international human rights law and the Nigerian Constitution.  “Nnamdi Kanu has also been denied his rights to a public, prompt, and fair trial before an impartial judge.

“They have amended the charges against Nnamdi Kanu three times. They remain infinitely vague. They  trespass on the universally recognized international law right of every people to self-determination exalted in Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 3 of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 61/295, Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007). Notwithstanding armies of lawyers and investigators, they remain unprepared for trial after the elapse of more than 11 months since Nnamdi Kanu’s detention in Abuja. There still is no trial date.”

Therefore, the United States based lawyer charged Ohaneze Ndigbo as follows:

“Face up to your  legal and moral responsibilities as professed Biafran leaders. Do not show your heels when danger appears.

“To whom much is given, much will be required. Luke 12:48. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing.

Nnamdi Kanu is one of you – born on the same soil, raised on the same food, buoyed by the same music and dances, and nurtured by the same culture, inspired by the same flag. He has risked that last full measure of devotion (including dodging bullets of would-be assassins) to deliver the Biafran people from the cruel oppressions and genocide of the Fulani-controlled Government of Nigeria like Moses and Pharaoh in the Old Testament.”

“A bail hearing had been set by Justice Binta Nyako for May 26. Bail has been denied on the preposterous theory that Nnamdi Kanu previously jumped bail in September 2017 when he barely escaped an assassination attempt by exercising his unalienable right to self-preservation when Nigerian security forces riddled  his residence with bullets murdering many others.

“An Abia High Court has awarded Nnamdi Kanu 5 billion naira for that flagrant and notorious violation of fundamental rights.

“The day before the bail hearing, Justice Nyako announced through the court Registrar that she had become “indisposed” and had adjourned the case  another month to June 28, 2022. Couldn’t the Justice concoct a better excuse, like affliction with Covid? “Indisposed” means a mild illness that passes in days.

“A more likely explanation is that the Attorney General Abubakar Malami, acting on the instructions of President Muhammadu Buhari, ordered Nyako to again postpone the proceedings because the prosecution has no case.

“Depend upon it. Without public denunciation of Nnamdi Kanu’s continued political persecution thundering like a hammer on an anvil demanding his release and a dismissal of the manufactured charges with prejudice, the June 28 bail hearing will also be postponed ad infinitum.

Nnamdi Kanu’s cruel punishment without trial will persist in notorious violation of the Nigerian Constitution and international law.

“You collectively, have a legal and moral duty to speak out publicly against this travesty of justice that daily inflicts great misery on the Biafran people. Do not become traitors to the noble cause. Risk a tiny fraction of what Nnamdi Kanu has risked to regain Biafran sovereignty. It was stolen by the British over a century ago and the Fulani have refused to restore it by resorting to genocide.

“Silence is not acceptable. Neutrality between the firefighter and the fire is not an option. You cannot escape the judgment of history. Show you are made of sterner stuff than quislings…

“The conspiracy (of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s kidnap, torture and extraordinary rendition from Nairobi to Abuja by the Buhari government and Kenyan authorities) was part of an ongoing Nigerian genocide of Biafrans prohibited by the Genocide Convention. The aim is to exterminate them through killings, rape, plunder, starvation, theft of real and personal property, and a collective denial of livelihood.”



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