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Enugu zoning conflict


         Enugu Guber 2023


Enugu zoning conflict: Notable Enugu Political Figures Affirm there is no Zoning in the State….say godfathers not needed, that best candidate be allowed to emerge to give Enugu State a facelift.
As the issue of zoning has continued to raise a lot of dust in Enugu State political landscape, all

guests, except one, on Freedom Square, a prize interactive radio program on Solid 100.9 FM

agreed there is nothing like zoning of political positions in the state.
Three of these very notable Enugu politicians and men of caliber: Dr. Augustine Okolie, Former Enugu

State Director, National Orientation Agency (NOA); Engr. Armstrong Agbo, Founding Member and

Former State Secretary, PDP, Enugu State; and Chief Barr. Awforkansi Nnadiume, Constitutional

Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, posited that what is erroneously being peddled by some

political opportunists as zoning is a discussion on zoning in 2013 by a group of friends who are

members of the PDP caucus.



The trio pointed out that the handful of individuals in the party caucus who had that discussion

had no authority to make rules or formulate any binding agreement for the party since the

caucus’ role is only advisory. Therefore, the said caucus overstepped its bound and arrogated

powers to itself when it said it has entered into zoning arrangement for Enugu PDP.
They therefore called on the good people of Enugu State not to be misguided into thinking

they are against zoning as such thing does not exist, rather, they should disregard the so called

zoning arrangement as what was done was a gathering of friends who decided to have a jolly

chat in the course of a merry evening at a hangout.
Also the Enugu State Coordinator of the opposition party, All Progressives Congress (APC)

NACOPEAM, Ebubeagu Felix Okafor, agreed there is no zoning in Enugu State arguing that

the keen contests during the previous election were clear pointers that zoning does not exist

in the state, however what exists in PDP is handpicking.


Enugu zoning conflict: The Agreement

It was a general agreement among the guests that the governorship race be thrown open

for all who are interested to run and that the best candidate be allowed to emerge.
However, quoting the relevant sections of PDP constitution of 2017 as amended which

made provisions for zoning elective positions, Barr. Ray Nnaji, Former National Auditor

PDP, insisted there is and has been zoning in Enugu State. Although he agreed with the rest

of the guests that anybody is free to run, he however maintained that it is the turn of his zone,

Enugu East, to produce the next governor of the state and that nobody will take what belongs to his zone.
It was a general agreement by the rest of the guests that zoning is good and will be a welcome

development in Enugu State if concretely formalized and introduced properly in the state with

clear-cut terms of procedure to begin after the expiration of Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi’s administration.

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