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Herdsmen’s Assault in Benue State Leaves 22 Dead, Including Women and Children


In a tragic incident that highlights the ongoing security concerns in Benue State, the death toll has risen to 22 following an armed herdsmen’s attack on Iyer village in Uvir Council Ward. The assault, which occurred in the Guma local government area, claimed the lives of three children and two women who were killed and burnt in their houses. Additionally, 13 men and four soldiers lost their lives during the violent incident.

This assault comes just 10 days after a similar attack by armed herdsmen on Mbawa Council Ward in the same region, resulting in the deaths of 28 people, including women and children. The continuous attacks by Fulani herdsmen have created an atmosphere of fear and devastation among the communities in the Guma local government area.

According to community sources, the armed Fulani herdsmen launched their assault on Iyer village around 5pm on Sunday. The attackers, numbering over 50, reportedly opened fire on the residents, causing widespread panic and chaos. Tragically, many people were burnt alive inside their homes, adding to the horrors of the incident.

The gravity of the situation was further intensified by the loss of four soldiers who had responded to distress calls from the community. Despite their efforts, the soldiers were outgunned and overpowered by the herdsmen. The attackers, allegedly accompanied by suspected Nigerian soldiers, proved to be a formidable force, leaving the community defenseless and vulnerable.

Barnabas, a witness to the attack, expressed his concern over the recurring assaults in the Guma local government area. He revealed that this was the seventh attack by Fulani herdsmen in just one month. The devastating assault on Iyer village left ten bodies discovered so far, while numerous houses were set ablaze, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

The incident has drawn attention from various sources, with residents and officials decrying the senseless killing of innocent civilians and the burning of their homes. The Benue State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Julius Alawari, confirmed the attack and acknowledged the combined efforts of Operation Whirl Stroke, the police, and volunteer guards in confronting and repelling the assailants. One of the attackers was reported to have been killed during the confrontation.


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