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Islamic Teacher Remanded For Harboring Married Female Student Without Husband’s Permission

An unnamed Islamiyya teacher has been remanded in prison for allegedly harboring a married student of his Islamic school in his house for over a month without the permission of her husband. The suspect was also accused of terminating the married student’s two-month-old pregnancy and implanting family planning drugs in her.

The Islamic teacher said he harbored the married student who has five children for her husband at the orders of Khadi Abdullahi Nasiru of a Shari’a court sitting in Minna, Niger State. According to reports, the said student lived in the house of the teacher for about thirty-five days without returning home after attending the Islamic school. Her relatives later discovered where she was being held and reported the case to the authorities.

In his defense, the suspect, told the court during hearing that the woman had complained to him about her husband not taking good care of her, hence he decided, with the consent of her family, to help her.

However, the student’s family denied claims of granting consent to the Islamic teacher. They told the court that their daughter has never complained of lack of care in her thirteen years of marriage with her husband.

It was however learnt that the victim’s husband had confided in the Islamic teacher that his wife has a supernatural power that allows spirits to visit her and that she possesses healing powers. The teacher then took possession of the man’s wife who attends his school and was using her for healing services.

On her part, the victim told the court that she was not aware that she was not in her husband’s house throughout her stay in her teacher’s house. She accused the Islamic teacher and his wife of conniving to ruin her life. The judge, Khadi Nasiru, after listening to the different sides, adjourned the case to a later date.

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