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“My administration will cut down the cost of governance and remove frivolities” — Frank Nweke

Frank Nweke Jr, the gubernatorial candidate of the All Progressives Grand Alliance left no one in doubt of his stance on accountability and transparency in governance as he made those the high points of his discussion at the Candidates Town Hall Session in Enugu on Saturday night.

Fielding questions from the anchor, Chika Agu and members of the audience, Nweke highlighted the figures allocated to different segments of the economy by the PDP-led administration, noting that the poor state of the economy could be explained through a careful review of the budget and its implementation or lack thereof.

He shared that the 2022 budget was skewed with the water sector getting an allocation of N10.30 billion, youth and sports with 4.24 billion and the Governor’s office with N17.71 billion.

Considering how critical these sectors and more are for our economic growth, it is ridiculous that the office of the governor alone will be prioritised above them. We must also ask what the funds allocated to each of these sectors and projects have delivered over the years to improve the lives of our people. I encourage you all to be invested in holding leaders accountable”

To redress this situation, my administration will cut down the cost of governance, remove frivolities and channel public resources appropriately. I will ensure accountability and transparency in everything we do

My Government will be about the people, not cronies or cabals to satisfy. My government will be about the youth, our women, children, People Living With Disabilities, the vulnerable in every part of the State. My government will be about improving the lives of every man, woman and child in Enugu State. You can hold me to this” he concluded.

The Candidates is a Town Hall series initiated by Daria Media in partnership with Coal City Elite Group, Arise TV and Afia TV.

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