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Terrorism: Presidency Gives Update On Actions Purportedly Taken By Government Against Rising Attacks In The North And Other Parts Of Nigeria

The Presidency on Thursday through online platforms announced measures it claimed have been taken to stem the ever rising spate of terrorist attacks especially in Northern Nigeria in recent times.

In the online announcement, the Nigerian presidency stated as follows:

In response to the recent spike in terrorist activity particularly in the Kaduna & Niger States axis, the defense establishment, in response to presidential directives, has realigned & reorganized the ongoing operation in the areas, as well as that going on in the Niger Delta.

The new operations structures are being reinforced with land-based assets to increase the efficiency of the troops and intelligence is equally being reinforced.

Nigeria’s air defense system is being reinforced with newly-acquired jets and drones which assemblage and training for operators has been hastened to meet the current exigencies.

The country is equally getting assurances of early delivery of equipment on order from manufacturers and the effort is ongoing to conclude other major procurements still in process.

Yesterday, Nigeria government at a meeting of the cabinet approved the single largest procurement of military vehicles ever.

At the same time, similar major operations are going in the South-East and the South-South where the economic life wire of the nation and electricity transmission lines are currently being secured from saboteurs.

Massive gains being made will shortly be manifesting. Large number of arrests have equally been made. Nigerians are assured that the government will keep its promise to the nation and threats to security will be handled with the firmness they call for.

And government will remain firm in securing the country’s unity and progress.

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