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US Envoy Accuses South Africa of Covertly Arming Russia in Ukraine Conflict


The US envoy to South Africa has accused the country of secretly providing arms to Russia despite its stated neutrality in the Ukraine war, according to local media reports.

Ambassador Reuben Brigety made the allegations during a media briefing, expressing confidence that weapons and ammunition were loaded onto a Russian freighter that docked at a Cape Town naval base in December.

Brigety emphasized the seriousness of arming the Russians and stated that the issue was far from resolved. He urged South Africa to adhere to its non-alignment policy and called for the country to practice neutrality.

The US embassy has not yet responded to requests for comment on Brigety’s remarks, but a source at the meeting confirmed the statements to AFP.

South Africa has chosen not to condemn the invasion of Ukraine, maintaining a position of neutrality and advocating for dialogue as the solution to the conflict.

However, the country’s recent joint military exercise with Russia and China earlier this year sparked controversy and raised concerns about its alleged tilt towards the Kremlin.

The ambassador’s comments seem to refer to a previously known incident involving the Lady R, a cargo vessel flying the Russian flag and subject to western sanctions.

The ship docked at Simon’s Town naval base, the largest naval base in South Africa, from December 6th to 8th, 2022. Brigety asserted that during this time, weapons and ammunition were uploaded onto the vessel before it returned to Russia.

The allegations made by the US envoy shed light on the complex dynamics surrounding South Africa’s stance on the Ukraine conflict. While the country maintains its commitment to neutrality, suspicions have been raised regarding its military cooperation with Russia and its perceived alignment with Moscow’s interests.

As the situation continues to unfold, it is important for South Africa to address these allegations and provide clarity on its foreign policy positions. Transparency and adherence to non-alignment principles will be crucial in maintaining the country’s international reputation and upholding diplomatic norms.

The accusations made by the US envoy highlight the need for a thorough investigation and a clear response from South Africa to address concerns regarding its alleged arms dealings with Russia.

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