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War! Ukraine Now on the Offensive: Shell Russian Villages

The Ukrainian forces have reportedly shelled two Russian Villages on Tuesday, forcing the Russian Authorities to evacuate civilians in the affected areas.

According to two Russian-government controlled publication outfits, RIA Novosti and Interfax, an explosion near the village of Zhuravlyovka emanating from an attack originated from Ukraine, injured four people.

They also reported that a nearby Russian town of Niekhoteyevka had up to 180 individuals evacuated and the area placed under emergency orders as a result of an explosion which though not directly pinned on Ukraine, authorities believe the incident was not an accident.

The current development marks a shift in the ongoing conflict whereby Ukraine has decided to go on the offensive rather than defend itself against Russian onslaught.

However, Pentagon press secretary, John Kirby, has on Tuesday cautioned that the movements of some Russian forces that have been encircling the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv we’re not that of retreat but rather strategic repositioning.

Kirby said that the Russian military’s failure to take Kyiv and most Ukrainian population centers was in accordance with Russian military objective since the beginning of their invasion of Ukraine.

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