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High Numbers, Great Success Recorded As Rt. Hon. Toby Okechukwu’s Free Medical Outreach Hits Day 3

High numbers, all marked with great success, have so far been recorded, on the third day of Rt. Hon. Toby Okechukwu’s free medical outreach for members of his constituency and all.

Dr. Udeuhele Godwin Ikechukwu, a former Commissioner for Information, Enugu State and DG, Toby Campaign Organization who has been on ground and closely observing the proceedings, to the effect, stated as follows:

The turn-up of the people is very, very marvelous. The first day we had 992. The second day, we had about 1028 and today is still running. But if you look at what is happening now, we have not taken inventory. We take inventory around 5 o’clock. But this is around 12. So, if you look at the people here, they are over a thousand. People are still coming and that tells you that the outreach is having a very big impact. We hope that at the end of the program, we might touch over 5000 souls in the different facets of the illnesses.

“My impression so far is that Rt. Hon. Toby Okechukwu is giving back to humanity. RT. Hon Toby Okechukwu is an astute grassroots leader who knows what his people needs. He is doing these things with a way of assisting the already existing health structures and institutions we have in the state. So we urge him to continue. Let him not be dissuaded by the high cost of things; that the sky will be his limits. And the prayers that people are giving to him is such that God will replenish his pocket and give him wisdom and health to continue this kind of job.

Mr. Udeani Chukwuemeka, the Medical Records Clark, UNTH Outpost, Ugbo, where the outreach is taking place, was so excited for the great success and the high numbers thereof recorded.

This is the third day of the exercise, 16th June, 2022. We are so happy and we thank Hon. Toby Okechukwu so much. He is a very good man and we love him. Everybody is happy: the Awgupeople, the Aninri and Oji River people – all of them are happy.

This is the second time we are experiencing this wonderful exercise in this community and we are saying Hon. Toby should continue in his good works.

This free medical outreach has impacted very positively on the people most of whom cant afford to go to hospital for treatment due to hardship in the country, but with this free medical outreach, people have benefited so much and they are very happy about it. Honestly, people are very happy. We want other people of means to emulate Hon Toby for he has helped to bring about a healthy community and a healthy nation, he said.

For Dr. Chike Maxwell Okeke, a public health physician, Chief Medical Officer and team member of Doctors On The Move Africa, who spared us a moment out of the theater:

It is basically a free medical outreach to help the needy and the less privileged. This is being sponsored by Hon Tobby Okechukwu. It is a good thing that we are here. We have been here since Sunday and we started effectively here on Tuesday. We’ve been doing surgery. I’ve been in the theater and we’ve been having a good outcome. Name it, from minor to major surgeries – eye test and glasses, and laboratory investigations, so there is scanning. And we have been doing well. We have not had any casualty so far.

He said that starting from Tuesday, the medical team has performed over 60 surgeries, and that no failure has been recorded. He therefore gives thumbs up for Hon. Toby Okechukwu urging him to influence others to emulate him in assisting the needy.

There are numerous medical cases involving surgerieswith very touching stories behind them. For instance, the hernia case of little master Victory who had lived with his ailment for three years because his mother could not afford N100,000 for his treatment at the hospital. However, Victory has been successfully operated upon at Hon. Toby’s free medical outreachand he is now doing very fine to his young mother’s delight.

Victory’s and similar other touching stories of deliverance from the bondage of sickness, thanks to Hon. Toby Okechukwu, will be doled out subsequentlyas the free medical outreach winds up on Monday, June 20.

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