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IDF Intercepts, Seizes Assorted Weapons Smuggled Into The Israeli Nation Space

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has earlier on Wednesday announced online that it has intercepted weapon smugglers and seized a number of weapons along Israel’s boarder fence with Jordan.

The IDF announcement reads:

IDF soldiers & Israel Police forces thwarted a weapons smuggling attempt next to the border fence with Jordan overnight. We identified 2 armed suspects, apprehended a suspect & confiscated 30 weapons. The suspect & weapons were transferred to the Israel Police.

Many across the globe have commended the Israeli forces for saving lives with the given breakthrough while others noted that the reported seizure was only a fraction of what gets smuggled in on a daily basis by terrorists who have vowed to destroy the Jewish nation.

Meanwhile, over 300 Israeli Naval personnel have embarked on a 10-day joint exercise code named Intrinsic Defender” with the United States Navy. The personnel are scheduled to tour two countries in the course of the joint military exercise.

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