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Islamic Clerics in Enugu call on Muslims in the state to observe the Ramadan

                    Islamic Clerics in Enugu call on Muslims in the state to observe the Ramadan

Islamic Clerics in Enugu call on Muslims in the state to observe the Ramadan: The Chief Imam of 82 Nigerian Army Division Islamic Affairs, Lt. Col. Hussein Eleje, has called on Muslims in Enugu State to observe the Ramadan, in order to enjoy spiritual and physical benefits attached to it.

Eleje said every Muslim is expected to fast, learn, and fear the Almighty Allah, practice self-restraint,

strive for holiness, and gain spiritual upliftment during the Ramadan period.

The Islamic leader stated this on Saturday when he featured on Solid FM’s programme, Freedom Square,

which focused on the holy Month of Ramadan.

According to him, mature Muslims should sincerely fast and not break the fast unless they have a valid

excuse to do so.

Islamic Clerics in Enugu call on Muslims in the state to observe the Ramadan:The Teachings of Ramadam

Lt. Col Eleje emphasized that Ramadan teaches patience, endurance, and accommodation towards others,

and encouraged Islamic faithful to avoid provoking others by not using vulgar words; obey Sharia laws

and legal processes.

Also contributing, the Chief Imam, Enugu State Police Command, Usman Arua Osunna, said a true Muslim is expected to respect and observe the five pillars of Islam.

Osunna listed them to include worshiping of Allah, not Prophet Muhammad (SAW) but consider him

as Allah’s messenger; observing the five daily prayers, giving alms to the poor and attending the Hajj pilgrimage.

The Police Chief Imam hinted that the Islamic holy book, Quran, did not to reward anyone who kills

some else with 70 virgins in heaven, describing as misinterpretation, adding that Islam condemns jungle justice.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, during which Muslims worldwide fast and abstain

from food and drink from dawn until sunset.

the benefit of Ramadam

Ramadan period has spiritual and physical benefits and able-bodied individuals should observe the fast.

“However, aged people above 70, individuals with chronic illness, nursing mothers, and pregnant women

are exempted from the fast. In such cases, they pay a needy person to fast on their behalf.

“Ulcer patients who are dedicated can fast except if the ulcer is chronic”, the Islamic leader stressed.

Usman admitted that the radio interaction has put to rest common misconception about Islam and the

holy month of Ramadan in Enugu State.

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