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My reasons for signing copyright law - Buhari

My reasons for signing copyright law – Buhari

                           My reasons for signing copyright law – Buhari

My reasons for signing copyright law – Buhari: President Muhammadu Buhari has signed the Copyright Right Bill into law, a move that is expected to

significantly boost Nigeria’s creative economy. The bill, which was recently passed by the National Assembly,

seeks to protect the rights of authors, facilitate Nigeria’s compliance with relevant international copyright

treaties and conventions, and enhance the capacity of the Nigerian Copyright Commission for effective

regulation, administration, and enforcement.

My reasons for signing copyright law – Buhari: The Bill

The signing of the bill into law by the President demonstrates the commitment of the administration to re-energizing Nigeria’s creative economy and making it more globally competitive in the digital age.

The bill’s principal objectives, as outlined in section 1, are to protect the rights of authors and ensure

just rewards and recognition for their intellectual efforts; provide appropriate limitations and exceptions

to guarantee access to creative works; and enhance the capacity of the Nigerian Copyright Commission

for effective regulation, administration, and enforcement.

The new Copyright Act will expand the rights of authors, raise the sanctions for criminal infringements,

and more adequately address the challenges posed by digital and online use of copyright works.

The expansion of the rights of authors is expected to boost creativity and innovation in Nigeria’s creative

sector, while the increased sanctions for criminal infringements will serve as a deterrent to copyright

pirates who have been infringing on the rights of Nigerian creatives.

the framework

Furthermore, the bill will provide a framework for more effective regulation, administration, and

enforcement of copyright laws in Nigeria. This will help to address the challenges of piracy and copyright infringement that have been hampering the growth of Nigeria’s creative sector. The bill will also facilitate Nigeria’s compliance with relevant international treaties and conventions, which will improve the country’s standing in the global creative economy.

In addition to the Copyright Right Bill, President Buhari also signed into law the Federal College of Medical Laboratory Science and Technology, Jos Bill. The bill repeals the Federal School of Medical Laboratory Science, Jos (Establishment) Act, 2018, and enacts the Federal College of Medical Laboratory Science and Technology, Jos Act, 2023. This will establish the Federal College of Medical Laboratory Science, Jos, and make the institution more effective in the discharge of its functions by strengthening the organizational framework.

The summary

In conclusion, the signing of the Copyright Right Bill into law is a significant milestone in Nigeria’s creative economy. The bill’s provisions will help to protect the rights of authors and foster creativity and innovation in Nigeria’s creative sector. The increased sanctions for copyright infringements will serve as a deterrent to copyright pirates, while the more effective regulation, administration, and enforcement of copyright laws will help to address the challenges facing the sector. Overall, the signing of the bill into law is a step in the right direction for Nigeria’s creative sector, and it is expected to have a positive impact on the country’s economy.

First published at The Punch Newspaper

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